13-13 Jun 2022 Geneva, Paris (France)

Online conference


The aim of this conference is to explore the literary translation sector and literary translator careers from a socioeconomic angle. The questions we seek to address include, but are not restricted to, the following: 

  • How can time and motion and workflow studies shed light on the working practices of literary translators?

  • To what extent do literary translators share the characteristics of the artistic labour market or the language service provision (LSP) sector?

  • To what extent does information asymmetry impact the literary translation labour market?

  • How should professional status be defined for literary translators?

  • To what extent do national economic characteristics such as tax regimes define the working experiences of literary translators?

  • What are the factors governing remuneration in the literary translation market?

  • How is value determined and / or generated in the literary translation market?

  • To what extent are emerging translation technologies liable to impact literary translation workflow?


The conference will be held online on 13 June 2022 (Zoom webinar). The time zone is Central European Standard Time (GMT+1). Registration is free of charge.


Organisation and contacts :


Prof. Susan Pickford, Faculté de traduction et d'interprétation, Université de Genève, susan.pickford@unige.ch

Olivia Guillon, MCF, UFR de Sciences Economiques et de Gestion, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, olivia.guillon@univ-paris13.fr


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